Straight Razor Shave
Why Get a Straight Razor Shave? It´s relaxing.
The straight razor shave is the facial for manly
men. The experience is definitely a treat. There´s
nothing like a hot towel on your face or the manly
fragrance of shaving cream to sap the stress right
out of your body. It´s manly. When you get a
straight razor shave, you can almost feel the
testosterone increasing in your body. It feels cool
to be taking part in a ritual that thousands of men
from history experienced. Plus, in a world where
women are pretty much doing everything men are,
a straight razor shave is one of the few activities
that is still completely and exclusively male.
Straight Razor Shave
Why Get a Straight Razor
Shave? It´s relaxing. The
straight razor shave is the
facial for manly men. The
experience is definitely a
treat. There´s nothing like a
hot towel on your face or
the manly fragrance of shaving cream to sap the
stress right out of your body. It´s manly. When you
get a straight razor shave, you can almost feel the
testosterone increasing in your body. It feels cool
to be taking part in a ritual that thousands of men
from history experienced. Plus, in a world where
women are pretty much doing everything men are,
a straight razor shave is one of the few activities
that is still completely and exclusively male.
Straight Razor Shave
Why Get a Straight Razor Shave? It´s relaxing. The
straight razor shave is the facial for manly men. The
experience is definitely a treat. There´s nothing like
a hot towel on your face or the manly fragrance of
shaving cream to sap the stress right out of your
body. It´s manly. When you get a straight razor
shave, you can almost feel the testosterone
increasing in your body. It feels cool to be taking part in a ritual that
thousands of men from history experienced. Plus, in a world where women
are pretty much doing everything men are, a straight razor shave is one of
the few activities that is still completely and exclusively male.
Straight Razor Shave
Why Get a Straight Razor Shave? It´s relaxing. The
straight razor shave is the facial for manly men. The
experience is definitely a treat. There´s nothing like a
hot towel on your face or the manly fragrance of shaving
cream to sap the stress right out of your body. It´s
manly. When you get a straight razor shave, you can
almost feel the testosterone increasing in your body. It
feels cool to be taking part in a ritual that thousands of men from history
experienced. Plus, in a world where women are pretty much doing everything
men are, a straight razor shave is one of the few activities that is still completely
and exclusively male.